First name: Killer

Last name: Whale

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Sharon cowers in front of Lord Jel as he looms over her. You can see claws and tentacles make up part of his body. He mostly remains in the shadows, though.

LORD JEL: You've already completed the Storm Machine for me. It is an ideal device that will allow me to reassert control on this world. It is not the problem. You are.

Sharon holds her hands close, fearing for her life.

SHARON: I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm--

LORD JEL: Your lifetime of service is valued. Killer Whale... Kill her.

Sharon's eyes are wide with shock is she realizes what's happening. Killer Whale nonchalantly leans against the doorway with his arms crossed. He turns to her and smirks.

KILLER WHALE: Tsk, tsk, tsk, Sharon... Guess you won't be needed.