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Sharon raises her arms up, addressing the all the residents of the ship town.

SHARON: People of the ship town! With your resources, and my guiding genius, we shall crush the evil Lord Jel, and create a utopia…

Sharon points to herself, smiling.

SHARON: …Led by me!

The villagers Sharon was addressing don’t take kindly to this new command structure. the crowds gathering at the edge of their ships to see her begin booing. 


CROWD: We don’t wanna be in your war!

CROWD: She’s just gonna steal our materials to make more robots!

One of the villagers wielding a harpoon pushes on of Sharon’s robots aside and charges at her.


Clarissa and Wallace look on in shock as the man gets closer to Sharon, who doesn’t seem concerned at all.

SHARON: Hmmhm…!

WALLACE: People, people! Please!