
Sharon is working away on a computer in her ship. The room is filled with wires and machinery. Sharon looks back to address her daughter, who gives a timid response.

SHARON: Puffer? Sweetie? I need you looking over resource extraction. I don’t want any of these people trying to sneak stuff out from under me.

PUFFER: Uh, mom? I’ve been thinking–

Sharon clasps her hands in mocking adoration. She’s clearly been waiting all day to deliver a sick burn to her child. Puffer closes her eyes in silent resignation, regretting that she set her mom up for that insult opportunity.

SHARON: You’ve been thinking??? Congratulations, I’m so proud of youuuu! Haha, go on.

The ship town is shown. It’s a stormy day with gray skies. The waves are quite choppy.

PUFFER: M-maybe we shouldn’t have them mining and gathering food in this weather? If a storm approaches–

SHARON: Nonono, if anything, this’ll motivate them to fork over the huge magical energy they’ve got stashed away. My robots are still looking for it.